Oakley Primary

Encouraging Excellence

Primary School experts of Oakley Team have created a vibrant curriculum that channels the curiosity of our students to bring them to school each day.

In each grade students acquire a broad base of knowledge along with age appropriate academic skills.

Faculty devoted to high standards, state-of-the-art resources, outstanding curriculum and an enthusiastic learning community have resulted in many distinctive programs that make OAKLEY unique among all the schools of its kind. These OAKLEY Signature Programs epitomize OAKLEY’S dedication to academic excellence while fulfilling its mission to challenge students to develop academically, physically and socially. They learn specific content; learn how to think about what they have learned; and learn how to apply what they have learned in new situations

OAKLEY – MILE (Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement)    Each Lesson counts…

The Conceptual Math curriculum – MILE developed at OAKLEY exceeds national standards. It draws upon research-based pedagogy, years of successful experience from specially trained faculty and globally recognized best practices.

Reading is super power
 SUPER READERS is an intense literacy program in the Primary School that emphasizes having fun while teaching individual students how to read increasingly difficult texts with understanding and fluency

Converse E+
Fluency…the priceless skill                                                                                      
Converse E+ is a unique course that specifically helps English learners who want to speak English without thinking about rules or translating.

This unique program gives you the best methods, materials, study plan, and feedback so that you can finally get to the stage where you’re speaking English with confidence.
In OAKLEY… To promote Communicative Approach of the English language ‘Language regiments’ are formed among the students.

  • The members of ‘Language regiments’ are selected based on a screening test and changed every term depending on their performance.

  • ‘LANGUAGE REGIMENT’ members’ ensure that language discipline is maintained in the school premises.

  • “E- Festivals” are conducted, to create awareness
    among the students, which include various language activities like—
    elocution, debate description storytelling, recitations etc.

The Vocabulary Improvement and Oral Language Enrichment through Stories (VIOLETS)
Promoting Enrichment to Advance Language Skills (PETALS)

World is a classroom…

The objective of this program is to familiarize students with basic aspects of life skills and its conceptual treatment, theoretical perspectives and practical strategies of life skills education. This Oakley unique program on life skills aims to provide systematic understanding of the theoretical basis of life skill education, application of life skill to the present day complicated contemporary living system and Professionalization of life skill education.

Social Skills are intentionally taught through a purposeful approach in the classroom and in the community to re-enforce skills taught at home

  • ‘LEARN FOR LIFE’ is an integral part of curriculum

  • Workshops on self -awareness, self-discipline and needs of adolescents, time management, stress management and nutritional awareness are conducted by professionals

  • The schools share the parent’s and children’s concerns
    and anxieties with the aim of enhancing self-confidence in the students


RIGHT 2 WRITE has been developed to provide a whole school, differentiated, holistic approach to teaching handwriting.

Individualized Educational Program (IEP)

Personalized Instruction

We tailor instruction to each individual so every graduate walks away with the tools needed to succeed in college and an understanding of how to continue learning as they face the challenges of a changing world.

World Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WCDA)

Oakley has provisions for student assessment, teacher evaluation, school evaluation and system evaluation from time to time.

Oakley’s student assessment aims at  aligning educational standards and student assessment; balancing external assessments and teacher based assessments in the assessment of learning and integrating student formative assessment in the evaluation and assessment framework

Oakley International Schools
Oakley is committed to the total development of students’ minds, hearts, and bodies. Yet first and foremost, we work diligently to maintain a reputation for academic excellence.
Contact Now
Contact Info
Oakley is committed to the total development of students’ minds, hearts, and bodies.
  • Plot# 33, Sri Venkateshwara Plaza, Golden Tobaco Colony,
  • Vanasthalipuram, Hyderabad.
  • (123) 456 789
  • info@oakleyinternationalschools.com